Thursday, July 10, 2008


This is the sign of Love to the whole world for Jesus to leave the heavens and come on the earth to suffer for our salvation Let us continue going into the whole nations to preach the word of God so that we may recieve eternal life God bless you

The bible is commissioning us to go out and preach the word of God. We see that God has a good plan for each and every man that is why he redeemed us through his only son so that we may not perish.
It is a sacrifice to preach the word of God and at the same time God's assignment. This assignment is to be fulfilled by the believers of the Lord in the whole parts of the world. This is our responsibility because people are not to die while watching if we know that hell i real why can't we extend the gospel for people to escape this everlasting fire? This is challenges to the world. God said in scriptures that first to prove that we love him, we have first of all love our neighbors the whole book of IJohn talks about love how God is love.the one who doesn't love is not for God we have to reach out to all the nations to show the world that God is love and he is hope for every body. I am having passion for reaching China U.S.A and Asia for the Gospel. I call upon each and every body in the world to cast out the vission to all who have not yet cought it for God's people are to be rescured from the hell which is evarlasting.

May 22, 2008 2:41 ऍम



bringing hope to the hopless said...

God created every person special, and he gave them different gifts and blessings. He did this in order for people to realize that they are all to share their gifts and blessings with the fellow. This is a challenge to the world. How have you shared your blessings to your fellow? Read the book of Galatians 6:9-10 "That let us not become weary in doing good, for a proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore as we have opportunity, let do good to all people especially to those who belong to the family of the believers"."NIV version"

वेसएएतहटइनोर्देरफ़ोरअमअन्तोकोमएअफ़तेरज्ञएसus, he has to deny him self Jesus spoke this to his dइससिपles in Matt 16:24. We need to lean ऑफ़नओत्बएंg selfइसहbut know thaटीवऐ are ओनेइन जेसूसChrist.

ज्ञेसुसइससोपowerful and he loves थेकहईरerful give ठाटइs why हे तोल्दथेरिकह्यऔन्ग्मअनथतिनोरदेर्तओफल्ल्हim, he had to give अलहेहअद्तोथेपूर य़ौअरएसईईनगथt he loves थेपोओr ठाटस्व्हय्हेप्लएकादसफोr थे